Monday, July 28, 2008

Delayed Weekend Report

I've been lax again in posting. The weekend was a flurry of errands and Kyle got the majority of childcare duty over the weekend. By evening, after all the running around in the heat, I've been too exhausted to do much of anything - including even computer time - hence the delayed update. The last two nights I took walks (I'm still annoyed by this last 10 pounds or so of baby belly, which, by the way, I don't ever think is going away) and by the time I get home it's way too late to post. But I'm doing it tonight despite the time. So this will be short.

Papa visited for dinner Saturday night and we went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Molly was exhausted, so she was a handful. Eating and handling a screaming kid wasn't any fun but I'm glad we made it out to dinner two nights in a row. The rest of the weekend felt like a blur - Claire seemed to play endlessly with neighbor kids which wore on my nerves after a while. With three extra young kids in the house with Claire, do you think "quiet" means anything while the twins were trying to sleep?

Today, Monday, was another busy WFH day. Molly had me up at 6:30am (and I never got back to sleep) and I feel like I've been going 100 mph ever since. Claire loved camp as always, and the twins were overly tired when I picked Claire up so we had to rush home to get them down for naps. They took a late nap so that actually made dinner prep much easier. And with "taco night" tonight dinner was of course too simple. With Lily waking up from a late nap that usually means chewing food will be a success, but she fought the chewing tonight. Kyle took a good photo of her with big elephant tears running down her face. I also took some funny ones of the girls pulling up on the fireplace and fighting over the remote (see photos - in the first, they're fighting over it; in the second, Molly dropped it to the floor in trying to keep it away from Lily). Remotes, cell phones, keys ... what is the fascination for babies??

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