A slow day here .... cooped up with 20-degree temps outside and Kyle working ... so I did the usual housework (laundry, cleaning), played three board games with Claire, and entertained the twins too. I had a quick outing to HyVee tonight for weekly shopping but that was the only time I left the house either yesterday or today. Blah. I did bring one of the toy strollers up from the basement for the twins to play with (e.g., fight over), and I enjoyed watching Lily push Molly in the stroller, although she couldn't make the turns so in the photo here she's pushing Molly into the cabinets. And yes, these pictures were taken today, not yesterday - the outfits are the same because I didn't feel like creating more laundry for myself so I dressed them in yesterday's (mostly clean) clothes.
This coming week my usual schedule is all messed up .... I'll do a half day at work Monday, be in the office all day Tuesday, and a few hours Thursday afternoon too. The nanny is unable to work tomorrow and Kyle is under pressure to finish some jobs so we're having to juggle both of our work schedules this week.
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