Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Jeep

I have become one of those parents, you know, the ones who buy their kids unsafe toys because of the endless entertainment they hope the toy will provide. Another twin mom offered up her kid Jeep for sale, and the price was right so we bought it this evening. I hope I don't rue the day I purchased this little vehicle (please, please no kid accidents).

Of course we'll only allow Claire to drive the thing for now (and after a slow start she really got into the swing of driving this evening, so I do think it will provide some good entertainment), but the twins love sitting in the car and pushing all the (fake) buttons. The photos I tried to take of Claire were awful because they were blurry, but I caught a few of the twins enjoying the car. Here's one of Molly pulling Lily (they can actually move it a few inches if they push or pull hard enough) ....

... and here's what happened when Lily tried to push Molly. Molly is terrified of the thing when it moves, so she was super mad at Lily for moving the car while she was sitting in it.

Notice that big bruise on Molly's cheek? That is from the park accident I alluded to the other day. She fell pretty hard first on her face and then "ricocheted" onto the back of her head, so she got equal damage to both her cheek and the back of her skull. Ouch.

So in that vein, I repeat ... please, no kid accidents in this little car. I only want good memories associated with this little Jeep.

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