Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In The Kitchen

My office is having a potluck lunch tomorrow, which also coincides with the preschool's Christmas pageant tomorrow night where Claire has one of only two speaking roles. The problem with all these parties is that I've been asked to contribute food to both events, and that's a lot to ask of a working mother of three young kids. So I bought cupcakes from Target for the preschool event, but I made homemade food for the work event tomorrow. My day, therefore, was super long, super productive, and super exhausting.

Shift 1: work, play with the twins, talk to the cleaning lady and keep the twins out of her way.

Shift 2: pick up Claire from preschool, get the kids a lunch.

Shift 3: work, start a pot of traditional-style Italian pasta and bean soup, boil two dozen eggs for deviled eggs, start three loads of laundry, get the kids a snack, and keep watching over the soup and adding ingredients (it was all a made-up recipe).

Shift 4: take Claire and the twins to the final ice skating lesson.

Shift 5: eat dinner (the soup was utterly fabulous ... photo posted here), play with the kids, get twins to bed.

Shift 6: spend three hours making deviled eggs for the work party tomorrow. This was painstaking labor, a first attempt at deviled eggs for me, and I will never do it again. Next time, I'm buying them. My work team got tasked with "salads" and I chose deviled eggs because I decided it would be the cheapest way to make bulk food. So, it may have been inexpensive, but it cost me an entire evening of relaxation.

And now, at nearly midnight, I am turning into bed. My back is aching from the six hours I spent cooking today. I also had the unfortunate realization tonight that I'm signed up for the preschool "take home" treat on Thursday, so that means I have to figure out more food tomorrow. *Sigh*. The holidays and all these commitments tend to turn me into a Scrooge.

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