Monday, October 19, 2009

A Fifth Birthday

And on the third day, they celebrated the "real" birthday.

Our birthday binge is finally coming to an end. We had Papa's birthday visit Saturday, the friend party yesterday, and today I took the afternoon off (which coincided with our best October weather yet with temperatures in the low 70s!) for Claire's birthday shopping spree. Claire and I had a fantastic time this afternoon. We had a nice lunch at Nordstrom Cafe (ok, admittedly, that was for me, but she's none the wiser), and then we shopped at Toys R Us where she picked out the "Elefun" game and rollerskates (!), and then we moved to Target where we picked up a shiny trinket box, a travel size etch-a-sketch, and a change purse I've been asked for at least 5 times.

And after the twins went to bed, we finally did the 'real' candles and cake event with the cake my mother made for Claire (it's a beauty, isn't it?), which means Claire has eaten birthday cake three times now in addition to some chocolate fudge (via Papa) and a chocolate chip cookie (via Nordstrom Cafe). Glug.

I've posted our birthday images from today. And now, I need to carve out a few still moments to reflect upon the 5-year milestone in the motherhood journey. Maybe I'm an unusual mother, but I don't overly lament the lost baby stages - I love the idea of having older children and am very excited about seeing what age five is all about!

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