Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

I'm listening to Claire tell Papa that her favorite gift was the make-up from Santa. I knew that the make-up would be a slight risk to our household, but I didn't expect that our living room rug would already be stained with blue make-up. *Sigh*.

This conversation is occurring on the phone, of course, because it appears we have gotten nearly a foot of snow overnight, so we've been unable to host any family at the house today. More disappointing for the kids is that Kyle was called out to plow snow at 4am this morning and he still hasn't returned home. He missed Christmas morning entirely. I'm not even sure if he'll be home for Christmas dinner.

But the kids are definitely excited about the new toys, so here are some of our photos from today ...

... the play car is the big hit so far, so we made a "car" that all four of us girls rode in together this morning. Lily said she was driving us to Waffle House ...

... and next, I'm going to show you our snowfall outside.

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