Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another Productive Day

Early evening walks just aren't the same when they require a heavy coat, but I was determined to make the most of my 'free' hour between 5-6pm to get the kids outdoors (and acclimated to our weather change). I cooked white chili (chicken chili) while the twins napped, and then threw it in a crockpot to keep it warm until dinner time, so I had one of those blissful pre-dinner hours where I could hang out with the kids and enjoy them (versus shooing them away from the kitchen while I try to cook). During our outdoors time, we hunted for red and yellow leaves, neighborhood dogs, and played with our own pumpkins.

I had one of those amazingly productive days due to work being a little slower than normal ... meaning, I got a lot of things done around the house. In addition to the early dinner prep, I got laundry washed and hung, my cookbook area organized, dishwasher emptied, and the house tidied this afternoon. This morning while Claire was at preschool the twins and I checked out cakes at Sam's Club and went to the ice skating rink to sign up Claire for 9 weeks of lessons. I took all the girls to Mr. Goodcents for lunch, and we made a quick grocery run for a box of graham cookies and then we had our usual fun at the pet store next to Mr. Goodcents. It was a good day!

The only negativity hanging over my head today is the news that my work group is getting cut by roughly 25% at the end of this month. This applies to the larger group under my VP, which has close to 400 people. It's a big cut, but all in all I'm taking it in stride like the last time we went through this. Worrying won't change my fate, so why waste the energy on worrying?

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