Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We seem to be going through another bad teething phase, with the twins doing some night waking and being particularly cranky during the day. I've been liberal with the Motrin this time which takes the edge off a little. Two-year molars really make my kids miserable. Too bad I get roped into that misery also.

I did, after all, add that third stroller to our line-up tonight. I found another twin mom selling a sit-and-stand stroller, so for $45 I thought it was worth a try. Her youngest child is now three, and she said she is just now able to let her three walk at parks without lugging along a stroller. I guess that means I've got more than a year before I can hope for freedom from bulky baby equipment.

I'm signing off - Sex & The City reruns are the new nightly entertainment. Why didn't I find these months ago?

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