Friday, April 3, 2009

Deanna Rose Opens

Yipee - Deanna Rose (petting zoo/park by our house) is open again! And after spending too many (cold) days camped inside, I decided to get the kids over there for a long (long) lunch. We first ate lunch at Culver's, where the twins amused me with playing the "high five" game with each other. Then, I pushed the twins to a super late nap while we spent a couple hours at Deanna Rose, and they were so, so excited by the animals they didn't notice their fatigue at all (except on the swings, where Molly's eyelids got very droopy).

I got some great photos from the outing today.

Later this afternoon, Claire and I had a "mock" lemonade stand in the backyard, and we actually made real lemonade together. She was very excited, and obviously not used to me giving her this much attention on a work day.
A fantastic day for everyone.

I also had Claire's preschool parent-teacher conference yesterday (amazing it starts this early), where I learned she's a good kid but she still doesn't know all her numbers and letters. Hmmmm. Guess we need to work on that, or maybe not - she's got another year before kindergarten! I suppose I worry less about this than other parents. I couldn't read in kindergarten and I did just fine academically, so why the emphasis on reading in kindergarten now?

Tomorrow we're expected to hit 70 degrees here so I'd love to get the kids back to Deanna Rose.

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