Monday, October 13, 2008

Cleaning Up Is Hard To Do

[This posting title should be sung to the tune of "Breaking up is hard to do".]

Still having nanny struggles. The babies have been better fed, but the house is a wreck every night I come home. I spent at least 30 minutes tonight cleaning up four different rooms rather than playing with my kids. That's irritating. No, infuriating actually. So I'm about to have coaching session #16 with her.

Sunday, yesterday, was another amazingly low-key day. I did 7 loads of laundry to get through washing all the new winter clothes. I'm careful with new clothes to separate darks, whites, pinks, brights, and so forth, so it literally took seven loads to get through all the new clothes. So between searching for my wedding ring set all day Saturday and doing laundry all day Sunday, we wasted a beautiful, sunny 80-degree weekend. And then today it rained, as if to laugh at our loss.

Tomorrow is Lily's re-check appointment (for both collarbone and ears) and it's another WFH day for me.

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